OPD Registration Timings :- Monday-Friday: 08:00AM to 11:00AM / Saturday: 08:00AM to 10:00AM

(Under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana) Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India


S.No. Name of the form Download Link Release Date
1. Application form for Seeking Permission to Attend Conference 22-12-2018
2. Children Allowance 11-04-2019
3. Declaration of Dependent Family Members 19-12-2018
4. Form 19-12-2018
5. HRA Form 19-12-2018
6. LTC Reimbursement Form 19-12-2018
7. LTC 19-12-2018
8. Medical Reimbursement form & Essentiality Cerificate-1 19-12-2018
9. Medical Certificate Faculty Staff Hindi & English 19-12-2018
10. No Dues Form 19-12-2018
11. Store Indent Form 19-12-2018
12. TA Bill Form_01_sec 19-12-2018
13. Casual Leave 18-03-2018
14. Earned Leave Application 18-03-2018